The crew got GAF Storm Guard Ice & Water shield on the entire roof Monday -- it's a modern form of felt paper. This is...overkill since it's only required along the edges and other places that are prone to ice dams or other water intrusion.
Time to get going on Tuesday, Day 16:
So while Wes & Crew continue to finish the gables, my task for the day is to get the old boiler out -- which involves first cleaning my way down to it through debris left over from the roof removal.
For the scrap metal pile...
Ok, time to help them move shingles with the tractor:
Starter row going down:
Bob, Wes, Bruce, and Andrew all going to town shingling:
Ok, shingles are on the roof...time to make yet another Home Depot run (plus a stop at Lyons & Billard in Plainfield for some nails that Wes needed...and HD in Windham had no clue...the guy at Lyons & Billard knew the part number off the top of his head. Wish I had a full construction loan to have bought all the stuff local instead of through Home Depot / Lowes loans and cards).
Holy old school batman...the side of the tractor read, "Class of '77"
Two hours later I'm back, and they have finished shingling the house except for the ridge vent that I just bought (Wes was trying to avoid it as it isn't as good looking as eave vents, but it became the most practical way as the design-as-we-build continues).
Wes doing laundry...or at least laying out all the layers of clothes he found around the job site so the guys can pick out whose is whoms.
Design conference on how to build an entry way to the front door without damaging the front step that has the hand prints in it:
Scrap plywood temporarily over the sump to help get the boiler out. When Bob & Wes put on the bulkhead door, we'll replace the wood in the sump and slide the concrete cover back over it.
Backhoe and logging chains (that I bought when I was like 20) boiler.
...and my iPhone battery died and my Kindle is not intuitive so the pics I took with it came out like crap. So that's all the photos for today :)
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