Had some time to use up (and still not feeling like yard work :D ) before I could swing by Sorel's to inquire about my truck and to hit the farmer's market. Which I went to Putnam and holy hell I don't think there was a parking spot open as I drove by so I went down to Danielson instead!
Canon EOS 50D,0.008 1/125, f/2.8, focal length 50, ISO 100
...and a crop. With a pink petal "C" that I removed in Lightroom from the top edge of the crop :)
Canon EOS 50D,0.008 1/125, f/2.8, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.0025 1/400, f/2.8, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.000625 1/1600, f/1.4, focal length 50, ISO 100
East Woodstock Congregational Church is really becoming a favorite photography spot of mine...
Canon EOS 50D,0.000125 1/8000, f/2.8, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.0004 1/2500, f/3.2, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.000625 1/1600, f/3.2, focal length 50, ISO 100
Missed having the focus nail the bee, but not too bad. And darn these suckers are tough to get a good photo -- they were flittering all over the place!
Canon EOS 50D,0.000625 1/1600, f/3.2, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.00015625 1/6400, f/2, focal length 50, ISO 100
...and cropped:
Canon EOS 50D,0.00015625 1/6400, f/2, focal length 50, ISO 100
And what I've been doing with all the crops -- taken me a month, but I finally today figured out how to get the crops to print out right 100% of the time: