All the front windows are out...
Starting on the sheathing:
While Wes & Bob sheath, I finished up prepping the old outlets to have new wire run this winter (if I don't have the electrician do it...I'll have to see what how much his other stuff will cost first):
Watched them Tyvex the side in 10 minutes. Took me, working alone, about two hours to tyvex the side of the house I rebuilt 15 years ago.
Window holes come later.
What the hell do we do with this?
While Wes & Bob tackle the gable end, Ready Kilowatt the Electric Idiot (me) tackles the rats nest. Talked to Wes, we'll skip insulating this section and insulate it from the inside later after the electrician cleans this up.
First time since the panel was installed in '99 that every circuit is labelled. Just in time to be replaced :D
On the gable end's right the 2x3 studs are in the conventional orientation...on the left Papu put them wide side facing out o_O
If I had thought to go get my good camera, this selfie of my reflection in the window probably would have come out awesome. It looked cool in person.
Going to talk to Wes tomorrow -- before he builds up a new entrance, I want to rent a concrete saw and take out the hand prints (plus where Papu did this in a couple other places) and put them aside to be integrated into an eventual patio.
Cleaned out some brush and started leveling out a big pile of rocky debris Papu probably made. I *think* I have enough Rhodendrons planted to screen the deck from the road, while allowing this area to eventually become a mowable area once I have cleared it out fully.
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