First set was taken at Byrnes Insurance in Dayville. I had noticed they had quite extensive landscaping a week or two ago and put them on my "list."
Canon EOS 50D,0.0004 1/2500, f/11, focal length 50, ISO 1250
Canon EOS 50D,0.00125 1/800, f/5.6, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.00125 1/800, f/5.6, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.00125 1/800, f/5.6, focal length 50, ISO 100
Then some roses on Woodstock commons.
The sun was so bright, I couldn't use my lowest stops -- I'm at maximum speed (1/8000th of a second) with ISO 100. I would need a camera with a faster shutter speed or an even lower ISO (and 100 is the "standard" lowest!)
Hah! Didn't even notice the tiny wasp (bee? bug?) until now:
Canon EOS 50D,0.000125 1/8000, f/2.2, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.00025 1/4000, f/1.8, focal length 50, ISO 100
And then blue hydrangea's at Dr. Baik's office at the old Woodstock Post Office:
Canon EOS 50D,0.0004 1/2500, f/1.8, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.000125 1/8000, f/2.8, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.000125 1/8000, f/2.2, focal length 50, ISO 100
Canon EOS 50D,0.000125 1/8000, f/2.2, focal length 50, ISO 100