Saw that the gate on Flat Rock Road (Locke Road?) was open while out with the Fusion yesterday evening hydrating on Gatorades. I think they open it up for hunters a few weeks a year, but wanted to take advantage of it.
Yep, I can definitely make it through. I'm on Locke Road, halfway from Hell Hollow to Spaulding. Not familiar with what's beyond, how easy it would be to turn around, and without another Jeep in case of trouble. I also checked yesterday and the Spaulding road gate is closed. :/ Guess I'll call discretion the better part of valor.
Poked down Flat Rock. I know from earlier this summer it was barricaded with concrete blocks (that looked fairly recent). Same deal, I can make it through but I don't know how easy it will be to find a turn around and there isn't that much further to go anyway.
No surprise here. Down in Pachaug, the logging access I went down earlier this year is barricaded now.
And then...heartbreak. I've resisted crying a few times today on this -- Old Voluntown Road / Basset Mill Road (and adjacent Shetucket Turnpike) has been gated. This was the road I first remember catching the off-road bug, going through here in the Scout with mom and dad.
I did come in from the Rhode Island side (which is still a unmaintained town road) to confirm the state had barricaded it as well.
I remember seeing a pic of Boy Scouts lined up to use the common showers when I was in Cub Scouts and it tripped my anxiety so bad it's why I never continued in Scouting. As much as that was an issue, now it's so far the other way here is a new pavilion at Yawgoog of nothing but individual unisex bathrooms.
(And as someone who has cleaned public restrooms as a summer job, I'd rather eat lunch on the typical men's room floor than ever step foot in women's room ever again thus why I prefer separate sex bathrooms. The cleanliness is that dramatically different in my experience.)
Nice! Lee Road barway was open again after the timber harvest, and finally Lawrence Road which has been closed a couple years for a large logging operation is also open!
1 comment:
We were down to 23 degrees early this morning. They say our 70's will be returning though, which seems surprising for Missouri. When I had my horse, I loved getting him off the road and into the timber, or out on the Missouri River bottom.
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