Saturday, October 25, 2014

Bedroom Decorating

Last Sunday I woke up and decided it was finally time for a bedroom valance -- I threw out the old valance and curtains when I painted this past summer.

After stopping at several stores and spending entirely too much time for a guy, I found one with "script" pseudo-writing pattern on it that wasn't making go "meh." (Plus a lampshade.)

That however made the rest of the room look awful plain to me. So I'm in (say it with the accent) Target and see this pic:

That reminded me of a photo of my grandfather along with his brother and parents at the store my great-grandfather owned when they first came to America:


Ed and I moved the new-to-me boxspring and mattress in from Mom's house, look how plain that looks...this will not do! And I need some concrete blocks to boost the short nightstand on the far side now, too:

Even though I had gone to Michaels and composed this bouquet of sticks to make the corner (an activity that had me muttering, "I swear I'm not gay..."):

So back to Michaels to pick up enough to finish the room -- creating a theme of Paris, Text, and Flowers:

Some close ups:

It makes me...happy.

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