Made the soup that evening, turned on the crock pot on low at 11 when I went to bed. House smelled delightful in the morning! The rice I cooked in my rice cooker Sunday morning and added to it:
Tracking my gardening was the original purpose to this blog (since I kept losing my notes).
4/2/12 was the earliest I've ever planted, and my notes for that year said I could've planted two weeks earlier if I had been ready. This was the first weekend, after a very (probably record) cold March, that the ground could be worked so 4/6 wasn't bad at all.
Finally cleaned up by the house and got the cold frame that I built two years ago set up (of course, I haven't put glass in it yet!). I put a lot of mulch for worm food underneath the bagged garden soil I put on the top, it should settle. I'll have to watch the moisture I think this first year. The Baker's Dozen ice coffee cups have holes drilled in the former bottoms for ventilation; I'm experimenting to see if the cold season greens (lettuce, spinach, chard) like them or not.
Yukon Gold, Katahdin, and Red Pontiac Potatoes are in. Full row this year, I felt like I was really budgeting them last year.
Onion and Pea beds are dug. I'm letting them sit and mellow for a few days before I rake to level them then plant the peas and onions.
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