Over the last week or so I've managed to paint the three windows and hang new blinds and valances. Thought the blinds were navy blue, but once I realized they were black I decided they would be OK with the red valance I was planning to get anyways.
Tore through the closet this weekend like it ain't never been torn through before.
There is a reason I have fruit in the closet -- I keep the bedroom door closed often, which makes it the coolest room in the house (nice for sleeping), and especially after I put the doors back on the closet I figure this is the coolest place I have to store winter squash from the garden and the unblemished apples I picked up the day before the orchard closed for the year. The blemished apples went in the fridge to eat soon.
Also I realized I can never bust a woman's chops over her shoe collection in the future once I saw all my ties laid out in the new tie rack -- nearly 30 of them. And I haven't had a job that required me to routinely wear one in over 15 years...I might have a problem.
Plaid may be another problem.
A *very* well done Pepperoni pizza. The crust didn't rise at all after being frozen, but did make a nice thin crust.
Sunday (when I made the pizza) I also made up a nice vegetable soup:
And last Wednesday I made up a SPECTACULAR Butternut Apple soup in the crockpot!
My camera can't really take good low-light shots, I took dozens over several different days and this is the best I got of the Christmas lights on my bookcase:
My wood splitting setup this year -- the tires over the chopping block really speed things up since I don't have to reach to set blocks up again, and they catch the ax if it clears the woods. The PA-20 splitting hatchet is made by Ilitis Oxhead in Germany for Stihl -- it was my splurge on firewood stuff this year. It is nice for making the extra small "cook wood" splits I use when wanting to get the fire going in the morning. I use my trusty Fiskars ax to split the log into quarters then go to town with the hatchet.
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