Friday, May 24, 2024

More Yard & Garage Work

Time for coffee...finally remembered to drive down Church Street -- the Quineabuag has undercut the bank near the road; they're scheduled to move the phone poles from that side of the road to the other next week.

Army Corps and all the other agencies and engineers are working on a plan of what to do.

Holy Schnikes...maybe the holiday weekend? I know I see this on weekends at the Brooklyn Baker's Dozen but at 8am on a Friday?!

(I usually stop at the Putnam one now on my way to work, less traffic and less busy to deal with)

Butch haying in the field by Gorman & Creamery Brook (on the Creamery side) for one of the last times...

Finally setting up the battery-powered grease gun. Major goal is to get the tractor in the garage (no later than Sunday morning) to grease it before I do the next batch of brush clearing.

But a lot of today was dump runs --
7 bags of garbage
5 gallons of used motor oil
3 old car & mower batteries

Did some more trimming :)

Hmmm, don't like that -- dying branches on the Ash trees at the end of the driveway, Emerald Ash Borer might be here.

Emptied the back of the Jeep so I could haul garbage bags...usually don't have quite this much but had chucked a bunch of stuff I normally keep behind the drivers seat into the way back before I went to help Eric winch out the Bobcat. I had taken them out when I put it in the transmission shop since his "just leave the keys in the visor" didn't give me warm fuzzies they kept things locked uo.

Used my creeper so I can roll the stuff around till I'm ready to load up the Jeep again.

Pondering why there is pea gravel in my spare tire tread...

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