As usual the bee-bopping road trip went longer than planned, but I finally went down Hewitt Road. It goes through! And it's a nice little town park along it.
Battle order of the day now that the hood works:
-- Battery
-- Low pressure fuel sensor
-- Spark Plugs
-- High pressure fuel sensor
After which it'll need to go to Sorel's for coolant, and I may have them flush the transmission ahead of schedule too.
Removed battery. New battery is in car. Car has electric locks. It is locked. :/
Upgrade from factory 590CCA battery which is shot as shot can be (wasn't starting at all below freezing, and barely starting after a few days in warm weather) to a 740CCA NAPA battery.
Plugs from Driver's to Passenger side.
Holy moly...these were only 3,000 miles over the recommended service at 100,000 miles o_O
So I also had fun *finding* the plugs and sensors. By the time I did, Eric got here just after I replaced the low pressure sensor.
He added Peachtree to the garage bar, and we had some good bar time as he tinkered with a chainsaw and I got the plugs replaced.
However...still have the high pressure fuel sensor to replace. Got the electrical connector off, then discovered I need a 1-1/16" long socket. Short? Got it. 1" and 1-1/8" longs? Got them. The tool I need? Nope!
So we'll get the socket and button this job up tomorrow.
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