Potato, celery, sour cream, thick cut bacon salad for David & Keara's:
The Tecumseh throw a rod a couple years ago...finally got to replacing it.
It's nice having a work bench I can work on.
Since the engines and pulleys were slightly different size, I had to figure out how many washers needed for spacers. No reverse on the new engine which was a $100 at Harbor Freight. I understand there is a Briggs & Stratton engine which would work and has reverse but more like $400 plus shipping. Since I hadn't had reverse for a couple season (belt broke and it's a pain to replace) figured I could do without it.
Still had twine and stuff to clean up on the tillers...last time I used it I was going to put in a quick flower bed so I hadn't cleaned it up.
Cooper is here for the week while his people go to Disney:
Used crazy glue to keep the washers in place since I knew sliding the engine in under the belt would be a pain:
It's running! And the furniture dolly sure made it easy to work on the machine (normally it's just to move it around easily in the garage):
Pulled pork fresh out of the slow cooker? Yes please! Campbell's in Griswold for the pork shoulder, chicken stock, and some brown sugar and it is gooooooooooooooooood:
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