Saturday I took a long morning drive to look at the area that burned in Monson last week; at first my brain was confused why they cleared so much area with leaf blowers -- they hadn't, I've never seen such a large area where the leaf litter had burned completely down to mineral soil so it was just dirt, ash, and some recent new leaf falls.
Normally our brush fires there is still a rough layer of moisture fuels left behind on top of the soil.
Saturday afternoon and Sunday were putz away in the garage days.
Made the "shower curtain" for the door opening so I can cut down on light breezes to help hold heat in...without having to deal with the heavy door all the time.
Uggh...Amazon tie wraps. I spent the extra money for the same name brand I already had, but they ship them coiled up instead of straight :( Hoping I can force them straight.
Did buy some cheap outdoor LED lights, but instead of bright white LED I put some red plastic
Garage is continuing to come along, emptied/organized a bunch of stuff, building up a pile of stuff from the house to bring out.
Yard Cock is landscape stapled down with some good rock weights to hold it down for the winter :) There was part of me that first thought "it looks like it needs cresh shelter(?) over it, then I thought it would need a spotlight, then I wondered if I set it up down by Route 6 what the hell people driving by would make of that rooster cresh :D
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