Marked the Firestone Destination All Terrains (which I can't speak highly enough of) with where they came from, need to rotate when then go back on. Plan is for the Mud Terrains to be my "club" tires when I know I'm doing serious off roading.
I'd end covering 70 miles and six hours before getting to Erics :D
But first, the videos!
From Eastford to Sturbridge:
Jeep winch squaring up the playset so it can be braced:
Axe Factory
Boston Hollow had a lot of trash...I ended up turning around and doing a stretch of it. Most I could just drive slow and grab the stuff while still in the driver's seat. Three loads out of Boston Hollow.
Fire hole dry as a bone in the Mountain Laurel grove.
Another fire hole. I think the impressive thing here is the State is obviously keeping the access to it cleared.
Oh frapgioius joy! Skopec Road in Nipmuc to the Bear Den area is open again!!! The cheap Tractor Supply gate is gone, and they've put in a new bridge / culver, and a new heavy gate but it's open! It's been years since I've gotten in here.
Holy In-Holdings Batman! I saw on the temporary gate, and this gate, multiple locks. I was thinking it might be for cell towers or loggers...
But it is actually a house way, way back in the woods! I'd be fascinated to know the whole story -- it looks land locked; did they used to have access off Bear Den over other private property? Was property the state acquired for the forest encumbered by a private right of way to reach this parcel?
It's a darn good bet when you see roads this well built in forests in Connecticut, that's CCC work for "fire trails."
Between Boston Hollow and finishing up in Nipmuc, another full bucket. I'd end up collecting another 1/2 afterwards.
Sweet, someone's been through here...don't have to chainsaw my way through Old Mashpaugh / South Wales Road :)
1) Yes, it's soupy enough I'm the better part of a mile from pavement and someone put warning cones up at the other end of this mud puddle;
2) As I'm doing my third or fourth attempt to pop out of the exit to the mud...I'm thinking it's a bad thing the bag with my winch remote and tree strap are in the way back;
3) Laying in bed Sunday morning, I realized I never turned on my lockers which is likely the only reason I had an issue :D.
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