Asphalt millings coming off of I-395 in Putnam for half the price of crushed stone. Since we've gone this far, I'm going to get a load of crushed stone for up by the house (I prefer the looks and it doesn't smell when new) and then rent a vibratory roller to help pack this all down.
I was thinking it was time to order stone, when I saw a Facebook ad for the millings on Friday morning and stopped on my way to work to order it. They dropped off late in the evening, but I got to spread a bit that evening.
One last time mowing the grass strip. I *love* the look of a grass strip up the driveway, I just need to get rid of the mud season.
Friday the 13th, Full Moon, three more loads, and six straight hours on the tractor:
Ordered a fifth load for Saturday morning. I wasn't going to be home, but left a bucket in the driveway where all the loads had been getting dropped trying to minimize cleanup.
I was not happy they dropped it at the top of the driveway instead. At all.
Spread some that afternoon...
And six more hours on Sunday:
You'd almost think I knew what I was doing when I managed to scrape the millings and leave the lawn :) I'm not optimistic about being quite as good on the rest, although I did plan to do leave the lawn in the pic -- it wasn't purely a fluke.
Ordered one more load that I'll use to finish "squaring off" the edges to the driveway, and making a pad where I park the tractor when it is outside:
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