Oscar's Chair's pyre on Saturday night...
Sunday was pull the red onions, wax the car, and bring Cooper home after he spent a week at Camp Kivela.
Came home on Thursday and the buck had eaten my Daylilly blooms!
Squash, onion, and pepperoni pizza anyone?
So Saturday I start working in the garden and I'm whiny, cranky, and emotional -- I figured I either had PMS or was dehydrated, and decided to go with the dehydration. Since I was worthless at home, decided to go fro a drive. Drank half a gallon of coffee and water on the hour plus long back way drive to Quonochataug and I still hadn't had the urge to pee, so that diagnosis seemed accurate, and by this point felt much better.
On the way home I came across a Daylilly garden that was open to the public (as a fundraiser for the Trust for Public Gardens or some such thing), and I bought some more! I may have a problem.
The house was a cool 18th century Cape set way off the road.
Some pics from Grindstone Hill Road / Chester Main Road neighborhood of North Stonington. One of the more picturesque back roads I've found, I guess the neighborhood culture has maintained a tradition of keeping fields cleared right up to the stone walls. As pastoral as it is, over grown stone walls provide a lot of wildlife habitat (as long as every few years they're cut back so they remain reasonable size corridors).
Before I left Saturday, I had pulled the onions. Now I needed to move them so I could dig in grass clippings from the dump. Moved all the white onions up to the deck to cure in the sun for a couple days before I brought them inside.
As I was wondering what to do as I wound down from garden work, April texted that they were going to the Rhode Island Balloon festival. It was every thing I could do to resist joining these kids in mobbing the Dalmatian puppy...
On my way to work at Baker's Dozen drive thru...kind of liked the composition of the sun going across my face.
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