First fire was on October 1st, about a week earlier then last year.
First frost will be tonight (10/13)
Work is progressing on the foyer.
I'm not the best carpenter, but it didn't come out too bad for me.
I'm not helped by Papu's finest assembly of whatever he could scrounge up in whatever looked sort of right...counting from the front wall, the distance between studs 1 and 2 was the standard 16". Then 17-1/2". Then between 3 and 4 was 11-1/2". *sigh* I used 5" spacing on the coat hooks because it was the only thing that mathematically worked which wouldn't conflict with one of the lag bolts.
Next up will be using the same red oak and Danish oil to trim and make a mantel around the heat shield for the woodstove. I never liked the cultured brick veneer I had done years ago and chipped it off last week. That will have to wait till next spring or summer as I can't do the masonry when the stove is going. Woodwork I can handle.
And after a run to (say it with the French accent...) Target for some containers and we have:
The paint is Valspar 3002-7B "Gleaming Tan" in eggshell finish and I'll be continuing that color on into the kitchen over the winter.
Looks great to me.
thank you Donna.
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