Saturday, June 20, 2009

Yeah, sometimes I enjoy making a game of it...

Went to Big Y to use the coupon from last week.

$81.71 - $1.00 coupon - $27.35 in "use your card" specials - $7 off $50 coupon = $46.36 ... 43% savings which is pretty darn good :) I know I could do better...that included a $12 steak that wasn't on discount but should be good for three meals.

Figure a "portion" of meat is supposed to be about 4 ozs before cooking, 1-3/4# Sirloin will yield about 7 servings. I know I'll eat it in about three sittings...once hot and two left overs. The chicken was 1-1/2 pounds, or six portions, and I know the same size chicken package I bought last week made four meals for me.

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