Weeds are growing like...weeds.
The Sunflowers & Pole Beans look like a failure, as well as a lot of the bush beans, thanks to rabbit damage. Rabbits even ate the flower buds off the daylillies in the vegetable garden!
Some 'maters bursting from their cage:

Weeds not eaten by the rabbits are doing good:

This corn is a bit short for the variety; the right row is maybe 6" low which isn't bad, but by the left is real short. It's setting tassles, which jives with my notebook that says around the 2nd week in August I should have corn from these.

First Kiwi Gold raspberry of the season. They get sweeter, but I don't mind 'em young :)

Yellow squash is a bit spindly from growing under the row cloth, but seems to be recovering nicely.
It's an eggplant!

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