These shirts all pre-date Covid; I don't know if fashions changed or supply chain changed but I've been wearing this style of knitted polo for 20 years and since Covid I can't find them anymore...I already had retired a bunch from wearing to the office but these were still hanging on.
I did finally find some nice (but much plainer) polos so I bought a bunch of those and these are going in my rag pile.
Well that didn't turn out quite as was too close to the ends to screw in so I tried zip-tieing and it rotated backwards. I'll have to put a piece of wood or something to keep it straight.
Bunch of old change I had in the garage that was dirty as in vinegar.
So improvising something to vacuum the cobwebs from the ceiling -- the plastic pipes couldn't support themselves but luckily I had a metal vacuum tube I could duct-tape to make things work.
Have been catching up on a lot of house work now that the garage is colder :D
Put new rechargeable batteries in the candle in the mantle tin lantern.
Thought I heard the mini-split running more than was one of those nights you think you loaded the woodstove to take off and you didn't. This isn't what you want to see in the morning!
Kind of hard to see, but they put up a Snoopy dog house to cover the town pump for Xmas!
12/3 -- finally got the hand truck and lift table out of the basement!
12/5 -- we had a 10% chance of less than 1" of snow total...we got 4" with 1/4" snow flakes at the height of it!
At Thanksgiving Pat mentioned pork stuffing which got me craving pork with stuffing. Just some ground sausage with Stovetop stuffing (but it was good!)
Finally retired the phone case that was falling apart, got just a plain black one -- and after years of having brightly colored ones I'm finding I'm losing my phone in the house often :D
Got a power strip for next to the recliner -- it clamps on quite securely.
And we had like 2-1/2" of rain on 12/11 (thank you climate change for our new feast-or-famine pattern), and apparently the Amazon guy had a hard time seeing the end of the driveway :/
Saturday 12/14 -- during the week got the Xmas lights up for the first time since the renovations during the week.
Dunno why, I was cold A.F. today -- took a kind of half nap around 2:30, was up by 4 and even though the main house was 71 I put on a light sweater until it got up to like 78.
Trying some sourdough -- I got these small little bread pans, to make smaller breads than I usually do. Dough is a bit wet, but I'm sure I'll be kneading it at least once more so we'll see how this rises first.
I need to buy a new dryer (control board died and it's not worth spending several hundred on one of the few "rebuilt" ones that pop up); but certainly when the woodstove is going the drying tree works very well. I'll probably just buy a nice matched set come spring or next summer-ish.
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