So 'bout 12:30 on Friday Sam pings me if I'd like to go sailing some weekend...and about 1:30 Eric texts me he's going that weekend.
I book out of work, run home to grab some stuff, and back up to Eric's for the drive to Salem.

Sunsetting over the new Salem gas-powered electric station under construction. The old coal powered station has been torn down on the right.

Misery Island a/k/a Cocktail Cove, where we spent Friday night.

Cap'n Sam

And Deckhand Eric

Coming into Salem Harbor

Got to enjoy a boat parade of lights:
Light Parade Movie
And Fireworks!

Lucked out / splurged on a dock spot for the evening...the dock master just happened to be there at 8:30 and called the guy who had the spot rented for the weekend and he said he wasn't going to use it that evening. Gave us access to a regular bathroom and shower, front row seats for the light parade, and right across from the State Fishing Pier.

That's a million and a half dollar Shannon yacht built down in Bristol, RI -- my pic doesn't do it justice.

As we're motoring out, Sam says, "There's an awful lot of schooners here, like there should not be this many in one place unless something is going on..."
I quickly Google, it's schoonerfest weekend in Gloucester and the parade starts in a half hour going by the beach before they head out to a race.

Schooners have two masts, either of equal height or the forward one being lower.

We're in a Ketch (a half-cat rigged ketch to be specific), which also has two masts but the rear one is always lower.

Almost time to raise the sails...

So we crashed their Schooner Parade with our Ketch :D
Crashing the Parade Video

So much meta about a selfie with your camera reflecting in your sun glasses, going by the beach where the Slippery Pole is.

The Schooner Columbia...Holy Moses! Owned by the owner of a major commercial shipyard down in Florida that normally builds tugs and oil platforms, but they built this one in secret from the outside world knowing until it launched.

Coming back into Salem. Sam's boat is moored at Winter Island, which was a USCG Seaplane base until the Coast Guard relocated air operations to Otis circa 1970. It's now a town park / dock / campground.

And that's the boat (Island Girl) going back to moor after dropping me and our gear off at the docks.
We might have stayed out another day and/or sailed another port north except there was the remains of a hurricane coming up the coast so it was a good idea to get to a sheltered harbor and moored down by mid-afternoon.

And while Eric is away, the kids will play o_O